I have been asked to respond to your letter to Lisa Jackson, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which we received on June 29, 2009.
Thank you for informing us about HP2g engine you designed and the remarkable miles per gallon you have been able to achieve with it. It is noteworthy that you mention that the engine’s performance has been tested by EPA.
I want to encourage you to continue your efforts to help the environment by reducing automobile emissions. We need to engage the creative abilities of people like you to solve the major environmental problems we face.
We have started working with the venture capital community to facilitate private sector investment in the commercialization of promising innovative environmental and energy technologies. We want to help more of the technologies enter the marketplace at a faster pace. You may wish to approach member of the venture capital community in your area regarding possible funding.
We share your interest in alternative energy sources such as biofuels. We are trying to apply principles of sustainability to our efforts in these areas. You can learn more about what we are doing at our web site: http://www.epa.gov/sustainability.
I wish you every success with the HP2g engine.
Sincerely , Paul Shapiro Senior Environmental Engineer
We wish to thank our sponsors for their continued support.
Board of DefianceCounty Commissioners 500 Court St, Suite A. Defiance, OH43512
James E. Harris, Jr.Stephanie M. Metz ChairmanClerk Otto L. NicelySherry A. Carnahan Vice chairmanDeputy Clerk Thomas L. KimeJoanne M. Goerlitz CommissionerDeputy Clerk Laura L. HowellArica T. Alvarez Operations man/admDeputy Clerk July 29, 2009 To Whom It May Concern: The board of Defiance County Commissioners has been informed of a meeting between the Ohio Department of Development, EPA and HP2g, LLC.
The Board of Defiance County Commissioners supports the efforts of HP2g, LLC to relieve our nation’s dependency on foreign oil. The Board also supports HP2g, LLC in their efforts to manufacture, assemble, market, sell, and distribute the HP2g engine in Northwest Ohio. This would bring greatly needed jobs to our area, which currently has one of the highest unemployment rates in the state.
Sincerely, Laura L. Howel -Administrator
NorthwestStateCommunity College Office of the President
September 23, 2009
To Whom It May Concern:
Northwest State Community Collage is a very strong advocate for the grant funding for HP2g, LLC which is currently in the process of attempting to obtain funding for their engine manufacturing, assembling, marketing, selling, and distributing the HP2g engine in these counties is very essential to the economy of Northwest Ohio.
Northwest State stands ready to assist with any training that might be necessary for this business venture to accomplish its goals. The unemployment rate in Northwest Ohio is becoming critical and we would like to see businesses like this succeed, not only for our five-county area but for our country as a whole.
We have very good programs that could be an asset to a fledgling company, and we would like to contribute to the success of their venture with the HP2g engine.
You to could assist them by considering grant funding for this venture.